Integrating Parquet File Ingestion into ClickHouse Using Kafka: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock the Power of Data: Seamlessly Integrate Parquet File Ingestion into ClickHouse with Kafka – Your Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Optimized Performance!

To ingest Parquet files into ClickHouse using Kafka, you can follow a structured pipeline where Parquet files are placed into Kafka topics and ClickHouse consumes and stores the data. Here’s a step-by-step guide to implement this setup:

1. Kafka Setup for Parquet File Streaming

  • Install and Configure Kafka: Ensure Kafka is installed and running. Create a topic for your data. For example, create a Kafka topic named parquet_topic:

kafka-topics –create –topic parquet_topic –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –partitions 3 –replication-factor 1

  • Producer for Parquet Files: You need a Kafka producer that reads Parquet files and sends them to the Kafka topic. This can be done with tools like Kafka Connect or a custom producer using Python, Java, or other languages that support Kafka.

    Example Python Kafka Producer (using confluent-kafka):

from confluent_kafka import Producer
import pyarrow.parquet as pq

# Kafka configuration
conf = {‘bootstrap.servers’: “localhost:9092”}
producer = Producer(conf)

# Read Parquet file
parquet_file = pq.read_table(‘yourfile.parquet’)

# Send rows to Kafka
for row in parquet_file.to_pandas().to_dict(orient=’records’):
producer.produce(‘parquet_topic’, value=str(row))


2. ClickHouse Kafka Engine Table

  • Create a Kafka Table in ClickHouse: ClickHouse provides a built-in Kafka Engine to read data from Kafka topics. You can define a table in ClickHouse that reads directly from the Kafka topic parquet_topic.

    Example of creating a Kafka engine table:

CREATE TABLE kafka_parquet_raw (
raw_data String
) ENGINE = Kafka
SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = ‘localhost:9092’,
kafka_topic_list = ‘parquet_topic’,
kafka_group_name = ‘parquet_consumer_group’,
kafka_format = ‘JSONEachRow’,
kafka_num_consumers = 1;

  • Explanation:
    • kafka_broker_list: List of Kafka brokers (in this case, localhost:9092).
    • kafka_topic_list: Kafka topic from which data is consumed (in this case, parquet_topic).
    • kafka_group_name: Consumer group for Kafka.
    • kafka_format: The format of the data being consumed. Here we use JSONEachRow because the Parquet file data is transformed into JSON before producing to Kafka.

3. Materialize Data in ClickHouse

Since the Kafka table is just an intermediary, you need to materialize the data into a ClickHouse table with the actual schema where the data from Kafka will be stored.

Create a target table to store the parsed Parquet data:

CREATE TABLE parquet_data (
column1 String,
column2 Int32,
— Define other columns according to your Parquet file schema
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY (column1);

Then, create a Materialized View to consume data from the Kafka table and insert it into the target table:

TO parquet_data AS
JSONExtractString(raw_data, ‘column1’) AS column1,
JSONExtractInt(raw_data, ‘column2’) AS column2,
— Map other fields similarly
FROM kafka_parquet_raw;

4. Kafka Consumer Workflow in ClickHouse

With the materialized view in place, ClickHouse will automatically consume data from the Kafka topic and store it in the parquet_data table. The process is continuous, and any new data published to the Kafka topic will be ingested into ClickHouse.

5. Monitoring and Performance Tuning

  • Monitor Kafka Consumer Lag: Use Kafka metrics to monitor consumer lag to ensure that ClickHouse is keeping up with the Kafka topic’s data production.
  • Adjust Kafka Consumer Settings: Based on throughput, you may need to adjust the number of Kafka consumers or partitions.
  • Optimize MergeTree Settings: Tune the MergeTree engine to optimize data ingestion and queries (e.g., adjusting max_insert_block_size or using partitioning).

6. Consider Using ClickHouse + Kafka Connector (Optional)

If you prefer a managed approach to Kafka ingestion, you can use the ClickHouse Kafka Connector via Kafka Connect:

  • Kafka Connect can be configured to read Parquet files, and then the Kafka Connector pushes that data into ClickHouse.
  • Tools like Debezium or Confluent can help with the integration and transformations.


This approach provides a reliable way to ingest Parquet data into ClickHouse using Kafka:

  1. Set up Kafka and send Parquet data via producers.
  2. Use the Kafka engine in ClickHouse to consume data.
  3. Store the processed data into a materialized view in ClickHouse.
  4. Monitor and tune Kafka and ClickHouse to ensure performance and scalability.


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About Shiv Iyer 245 Articles
Open Source Database Systems Engineer with a deep understanding of Optimizer Internals, Performance Engineering, Scalability and Data SRE. Shiv currently is the Founder, Investor, Board Member and CEO of multiple Database Systems Infrastructure Operations companies in the Transaction Processing Computing and ColumnStores ecosystem. He is also a frequent speaker in open source software conferences globally.