About Can Sayn
Can Sayın is experienced Database Administrator in open source relational and NoSql databases, working in complicated infrastructures. Over 5 years industry experience, he gain managing database systems. He is working at ChistaDATA Inc. His areas of interest are generally on open source systems.
Contact: Website

Monitoring ClickHouse Metrics via Python

In this article, we will share a script that monitors ClickHouse metrics. You will get an output of Query execution time Read operations Written data size Memory usage CPU usage First download file   git […]

Solving ClickHouse Server Connection Problem

1- Ensure that the clickhouse-server is running   systemctl status clickhouse-server   You can check that by looking for the Ready for connections line in /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log ( Information log-level needed)   2- Ensure you use the proper […]

Overview of information_schema Tables In Clickhouse

Introduction ClickHouse is an open-source columnar database management system that is designed for real-time data processing and analytics. One of the unique features of ClickHouse is its use of the information_schema database, which provides a […]

Convert MergeTree to Replicated In ClickHouse

To convert a MergeTree table to a Replicated table in ClickHouse, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement with the ENGINE clause. Here is an example: ALTER TABLE original_table ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree(‘/clickhouse/tables/{database}/{table}’, ‘{replica}’) ORDER BY […]

Examining CPU Killer Processes In ClickHouse

To examine CPU-intensive processes in a ClickHouse database, you can use the system table system.processes to view information about currently running queries and their resource usage. You can run the following query to view the […]

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