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  4. File compression/decompression with ClickHouse Compressor utility
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  4. File compression/decompression with ClickHouse Compressor utility

File compression/decompression with ClickHouse Compressor utility

ClickHouse utility has a lot of tools to ease the operations. “clickhouse-compressor” is one of the tools used to perform the compression and decompression operations over the files. In this article, we will show the overview of “clickhouse-compressor”.

Supported compression algorithms:

The following compression methods are supported.

  • LZ4
  • LZ4HC
  • ZSTD
  • deflate_qpl
  • codecs combination

“LZ4” is the default compression method.

How to perform the compression?

We have the file “cel_towers.csv” which has the size around “3.6G”.


root@tshirt:/tmp# ls -lrth cell_towers.csv 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5G Feb  7  2022 cell_towers.csv

We have to compress the file using method “zstd”. The block size needs to be “2097152” bytes. We can execute the following command to do this job.


root@tshirt:/tmp# clickhouse-compressor --zstd --block-size 2097152 cell_towers.csv > cell_towers_zstd
root@tshirt:/tmp# ls -lrth cell_towers_zstd 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 944M Oct  7 13:15 cell_towers_zstd

We can see that after compression, the file size has been reduced to “944M”.

To decompress the file, need to execute the following command ( –decompress ).


root@tshirt:/tmp# clickhouse-compressor --decompress --zstd  cell_towers_zstd > de_cell_towers.csv 
root@tshirt:/tmp# ls -lrth de_cell_towers.csv 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5G Oct  7 13:23 de_cell_towers.csv

To check the compressed file block status, we can use the option “–stat” with the compressed file name. For example,


root@tshirt:/tmp# clickhouse-compressor --stat cell_towers_zstd  | head -n5
2097152	574323
2097152	626838
2097152	637364
2097152	638221
2097152	654227

To understand the above output,


  • The first column is the block actual size
  • The second column defines the compressed data size from that block.

We hope this article is helpful in understanding the tool “clickhouse-compressor”. Let us know if any feedback on this.




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