Memory usage, like many other metrics, is a value that must be constantly monitored. Continuously examining the tables, indexes or processes that use memory will help you to know your system better and allow you to make the necessary interventions quickly.
In this article, we will share with you different methods by which you can detect processes that use memory.
The first method is checking asynchronous_metrics table. This table contains metrics that are calculated periodically in the background. For example, the amount of RAM in use;
SELECT *, formatReadableSize(value) FROM system.asynchronous_metrics WHERE (metric LIKE '%Cach%') OR (metric LIKE '%Mem%') ORDER BY metric ASC FORMAT PrettyCompactMonoBlock Query id: 4de5abc3-5eca-484b-a096-43ccce5c8492 ┌─metric────────────────────┬──────value─┬─formatReadableSize(value)─┐ │ MMapCacheCells │ 0 │ 0.00 B │ │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ MarkCacheFiles │ 138 │ 138.00 B │ │ MemoryCode │ 323928064 │ 308.92 MiB │ │ MemoryDataAndStack │ 7301906432 │ 6.80 GiB │ │ MemoryResident │ 427020288 │ 407.24 MiB │ │ MemoryShared │ 176488448 │ 168.31 MiB │ │ MemoryVirtual │ 7974686720 │ 7.43 GiB │ │ OSMemoryAvailable │ 1617231872 │ 1.51 GiB │ │ OSMemoryBuffers │ 170713088 │ 162.80 MiB │ │ OSMemoryCached │ 896454656 │ 854.93 MiB │ │ OSMemoryFreePlusCached │ 1390579712 │ 1.30 GiB │ │ OSMemoryFreeWithoutCached │ 494125056 │ 471.23 MiB │ │ OSMemoryTotal │ 2087923712 │ 1.94 GiB │ │ UncompressedCacheBytes │ 0 │ 0.00 B │ │ UncompressedCacheCells │ 0 │ 0.00 B │ └───────────────────────────┴────────────┴───────────────────────────┘
Another table is asynchronous_metric_log. This table contains the historical values for system.asynchronous_metrics
, which are saved once per minute. Enabled by default. asynchronous_metric_log table can return thousands of rows. So it will be useful to use WHERE condition.
SELECT event_time, metric, value, formatReadableSize(value) FROM system.asynchronous_metric_log WHERE (event_time > (now() - 600)) AND ((metric LIKE '%Cach%') OR (metric LIKE '%Mem%')) AND (value != 0) ORDER BY metric ASC, event_time ASC FORMAT PrettyCompactMonoBlock Query id: 1acbe1ba-a9d9-4697-b66c-da6af01706e8 ┌──────────event_time─┬─metric────────────────────┬──────value─┬─formatReadableSize(value)─┐ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:48 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:49 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:50 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:51 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:52 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:53 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:54 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:55 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:56 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:57 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │ │ 2022-11-16 16:26:58 │ MarkCacheBytes │ 1642752 │ 1.57 MiB │
Another method is checking the system.tables.
System tables provide information about the following:
- Server states, processes, and environment.
- Server’s internal processes.
System tables:
- Located in the
database. - Available only for reading data.
- Can’t be dropped or altered but can be detached.
Most of the system tables store their data in RAM. A ClickHouse server creates such system tables at the start. So it is good to check system.tables. The following example is checks system.tables which is using “Memory”, “Set” and “Join” engines.
SELECT database, name, formatReadableSize(total_bytes) FROM system.tables WHERE engine IN ('Memory','Set','Join');
parts table contains lots of information. In the following example, we will check only parts which are related to memory usage.
(UInt64) – The amount of memory (in bytes) used by primary key values.primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated
(UInt64) – The amount of memory (in bytes) reserved for primary key values.
SELECT sumIf(data_uncompressed_bytes, part_type = 'InMemory') AS memory_parts, formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory)) AS primary_key_bytes_in_memory, formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated)) AS primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated FROM Query id: 2498c3f4-404e-42ae-9608-bde83faaedf0 ┌─memory_parts─┬─primary_key_bytes_in_memory─┬─primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated─┐ │ 0 │ 635.54 KiB │ 4.80 MiB │ └──────────────┴─────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┘
merges table contains information about merges and part mutations currently in process for tables in the MergeTree family.
(UInt64) — Memory consumption of the merge process.
SELECT formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)) FROM system.merges Query id: 903a9f36-8c19-4b00-b589-bf3682b7be70 ┌─formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage))─┐ │ 0.00 B │ └───────────────────────────────────────┘
CLI command;
for i in `seq 1 600`; do clickhouse-client --empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set=0 -q "select (select 'Merges: \ '||formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)) from system.merges), (select \ 'Processes: '||formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)) from system.processes)";\ sleep 3; done Merges: 0.00 B Processes: 42.05 KiB Merges: 0.00 B Processes: 42.05 KiB Merges: 0.00 B Processes: 42.05 KiB Merges: 0.00 B Processes: 42.05 KiB
This system table is used for implementing the SHOW PROCESSLIST
(UInt64) – Amount of RAM the request uses. It might not include some types of dedicated memory. See the max_memory_usage setting.
SELECT formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)) FROM system.processes Query id: 572849c8-c99b-400b-bbac-2408e1e99aa0 ┌─formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage))─┐ │ 0.00 B │ └───────────────────────────────────────┘
You can also run the following query.
(Float64) – The time in seconds since request execution started.
SELECT initial_query_id, elapsed, formatReadableSize(memory_usage), formatReadableSize(peak_memory_usage), query FROM system.processes ORDER BY peak_memory_usage DESC LIMIT 10;
To find expensive queries by Memory /available RAM usage
SELECT system.processes.client_hostname, system.processes.client_name, system.processes.query, system.processes.memory_usage, system.processes.read_rows FROM system.processes WHERE system.processes.peak_memory_usage > ( SELECT avg(system.processes.peak_memory_usage) FROM system.processes ) FORMAT Vertical Query id: 4cc975a4-442a-4082-88d9-faa024a51b54 Row 1: ────── client_hostname: clickhouse01 client_name: ClickHouse query: select system.processes.client_hostname,system.processes.client_name, system.processes.query, system.processes.memory_usage, system.processes.read_rows from system.processes where system.processes.peak_memory_usage > ( select avg(system.processes.peak_memory_usage) from system.processes ) format Vertical; memory_usage: 14176 read_rows: 1
Contains information about executed queries, for example, start time, duration of processing, error messages.
(UInt64) — Memory consumption by the query.
SELECT type, event_time, initial_query_id, formatReadableSize(memory_usage), query FROM system.query_log WHERE (event_date >= today()) AND (event_time >= (now() - 7200)) ORDER BY memory_usage DESC LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical Query id: b79da0ae-f908-41d7-8ac8-f9f40660ea95 Row 1: ────── type: QueryFinish event_time: 2022-11-16 16:26:52 initial_query_id: 4e4e9a67-45ec-46d8-af75-46d0e2ce1694 formatReadableSize(memory_usage): 5.10 MiB query: SELECT DISTINCT arrayJoin(extractAll(name, '[\\w_]{2,}')) AS res FROM (SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_engines ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.formats ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.table_functions ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.data_type_families ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.merge_tree_settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.settings ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT cluster FROM system.clusters ELSE null('cluster String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT macro FROM system.macros ELSE null('macro String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT policy_name FROM system.storage_policies ELSE null('policy_name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT concat(, AS x FROM system.functions AS func CROSS JOIN system.aggregate_function_combinators AS comb WHERE is_aggregate ELSE null('x String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT name FROM system.databases LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.tables LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.dictionaries LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String')) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM viewIfPermitted(SELECT DISTINCT name FROM system.columns LIMIT 10000 ELSE null('name String'))) WHERE notEmpty(res)
Another example with query_log.
select ql.event_time as "Query Date and Time", ql.query_kind as "Type of the Query", ql.query as "Query", ql.query_duration_ms/1000 as "Query Duration in Seconds", ql.memory_usage as "Memory Usage", ql.written_rows as "Total Number of Rows Written ", ql.read_rows as "Total Number of Rows Read" from system.query_log as ql where (ql.event_time > (now() - 3600)) order by "Query Duration in Seconds" desc;
Contains information about dictionaries.
echo " Merges Processes PrimaryK TempTabs Dicts"; \ for i in `seq 1 600`; do clickhouse-client --empty_result_for_aggregation_by_empty_set=0 -q "select \ (select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)),15, ' ') from system.merges)|| (select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(memory_usage)),15, ' ') from system.processes)|| (select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated)),15, ' ') from|| \ (select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(total_bytes)),15, ' ') from system.tables \ WHERE engine IN ('Memory','Set','Join'))|| (select leftPad(formatReadableSize(sum(bytes_allocated)),15, ' ') FROM system.dictionaries) "; sleep 3; done Merges Processes PrimaryK TempTabs Dicts 0.00 B 0.00 B 21.36 MiB 1.58 GiB 911.07 MiB 0.00 B 0.00 B 21.36 MiB 1.58 GiB 911.07 MiB 0.00 B 0.00 B 21.35 MiB 1.58 GiB 911.07 MiB 0.00 B 0.00 B 21.36 MiB 1.58 GiB 911.07 MiB
Contains information about threads that execute queries, for example, thread name, thread start time, duration of query processing.
Find top 5 most expensive queries by memory usage.
(Int64) — The difference between the amount of allocated and freed memory in context of this thread.peak_memory_usage
(Int64) — The maximum difference between the amount of allocated and freed memory in context of this thread.read_rows
(UInt64) — Number of read rows.read_bytes
(UInt64) — Number of read bytes.written_rows
(UInt64) — ForINSERT
queries, the number of written rows. For other queries, the column value is 0.written_bytes
(UInt64) — ForINSERT
queries, the number of written bytes. For other queries, the column value is 0.
select system.query_thread_log.query, system.query_thread_log.query_start_time_microseconds, system.query_thread_log.query_duration_ms,system.query_thread_log.read_rows, system.query_thread_log.written_rows, system.query_thread_log.memory_usage from system.query_thread_log where system.query_thread_log.memory_usage > (select avg(system.query_thread_log.memory_usage) from system.query_thread_log ) limit 5;